My "real world" test consisted of me watching a movie and then playing some emulated games on the GPH Caanoo. This was a bit simulated, though, because I didn't actually watch the movie or play the games. The movie just played while I did some other things. The games I chose were all emulated arcade games. I chose them, because arcade games have demo modes that sit there and show off the gameplay until someone inserts a quarter. That way my tests were always stressing the CPU even though I wasn't actually hitting buttons.

After 2 hours of movie playing, I shut the machine down, so I could switch SD cards (to the one with the games). I booted the Caanoo back up and started MAME running Shock Troopers 2nd Squad (and the clock set to 533MHz). I let Shock Troopers run for 22 minutes. After that, the battery was down to 2/3 full.

I ran Tetris for about a half hour, and then I switched to Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. 12 minutes into Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, I found the machine dead.
The final conclusion is that I got 5 hours of real-world playtime out of the Caanoo's battery. I think that's pretty nice, because I was doing some intensive stuff. I'm sure that if you were just listening to MP3s or reading e-books, you'd get way more time out of it. Perhaps you could even double it, especially if you clocked it down.
How is the analog stick for old games like on mame and snes? Why don't you do a vid for those disillusioned by the non-digital directional can have a definitive answer? Would be better than all the other advertisement reviews.
I think you're right. What would you like to see running in MAME? Give me some ideas, and I'll see what I can do.
Fighters work obviously so any shooters that you can find. Even old school like Asteroids or Zaxxon. Berserk would be a good test. Sinistar if it works with the latest mame build for Caanoo. Any platform games that require twitch controls like the nes marios. Mappy? Qbert? Tutankham?
Ghosts n' Goblins, Ghouls and Ghosts, Pacman games, and Blazing Lazers.
Here's what I've got so far.
My camera's battery died, so that's all I can do for now. I'll probably make a new post when I get more.
Five hours is a good amount of playtime for such intensive tasks.
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