The first thing that I noticed, which I already mentioned, is the size. I knew this was going to be small, but it just seems much more cute and pocket-sized than expected. I think that the build quality might lead me to be a bit more impressed with the size. I'm used to the GP32 and the GP2X. They're both nice machines, and I've given them plenty of use. It's just that when you pick one up and compare it to a DS or PSP, they appear somewhat cheaply made. The Wiz doesn't suffer from this. It looks like it should be sold on a shelf right along side of a PSP or a DS.
As you may have noticed from my pictures, I spent most of my evening messing with the Giana's Return port. It's hard for me to get a new handheld and just look at the games. I want to get my code running on it. Fortunately, it was unexpectedly easy to get the code to run, though, as you will see in the following video, it wasn't optimal. For any of you GP2X developers out there that are thinking about getting a Wiz but aren't sure that you want to port all your old games/apps, all it takes is a simple re-compile to get it running. In some cases, the GP2X binary may even work. After that, you will want to tweak things for the Wiz, but it wouldn't be any fun if it were too simple, would it?
Here is a video of the initial, unoptimized, Wiz port of Giana's Return. I have already sped it up, so don't worry about it looking slow.
Now, I will try to address some of the questions that I got about the Wiz. Of course, take these as my initial impressions. My opinion of things may change by the time I get to do a proper review.
There seems to be a fair ammount of concern about the dpad, mainly because of a post made on the gp32x message boards. From what I can tell, this concern is unwarranted. I have not noticed any problems. I haven't yet set up MAME (or any other emulator) to try any fighting games or whatnot, so I can't discuss quarter-circle moves or anything of the sort. I can say that it feels fine to me, and there is something inside that causes the pad to pivot. When you push down on the left side, the right side goes up. You can also push down on the middle of the dpad, so I can see why there is some confusion. Diagonals seem fine, but (as mentioned) I haven't played much.
The battery seems fine. When I do a proper review, I would like to do some tests to see how long the battery lasts when in use. For now, all I can say is that it's WAY better than when I first got ahold of my GP2X and put alkalines in it. Though, that's not saying much. The Wiz's battery seems good, but it's too early to make any real judgement. The battery indicator, however, seems off. I have to assume that they will change/fix the firmware's battery indicator before the final release. One last thing about the battery is that it has 2 screws holding it in place. I'm not sure why this matters to people, but it is a question that I received. On one hand, it seems like an odd design decision, but on the other hand I'm not sure I'd want to remove it anyway.
There's been some question about "diagonal tearing" on the screen. In my opinion, this is mainly an issue that homebrew developers are concerned about at the moment. Most of my use of the game was with Giana's Return, and in the game, I haven't noticed any problems. I have noticed what I assume to be the "diagonal tearing" issue when there are screen changes. For example, when the user chooses a menu item that starts the game, the screen changes from menu to game. Then, your eyes might notice a diagonal during the screen shift. I don't want to dwell on this too much because I believe that it will get fixed in the future and programmers can code around it if it becomes a problem for them.
Another question was about dead pixels. I don't have any dead pixels. Though, in the interest of honesty, I must mention that I did notice what seemed to be a sort of stuck pixel. There was a pixel that seemed to have the blue stuck on. It was only noticeable at all when the screen would change to black, otherwise I couldn't see any problem at all. The interesting thing is that it went away. I can't explain it, but I've heard of LCDs having such things before. Now, I don't notice any problems at all on the screen.
I do, however, notice fingerprints. If you've got OCD and you can't handle finger smudges on your handheld game, then the Wiz might cause you to curl up in the fetal position and find your happy place.
Since I received this unit, I've been hit with some bad news about the Wiz. GPH has pushed their launch date back yet again. This time it's only pushed back a couple of weeks. It's great news for the consumer that these test units are in the hands of reviews and developers. That means that they're close to a final product. Obviously, they're not as close as they previously thought, because the launch has been pushed back to the first or second week of May. I'm told that Play-Asia's Wiz pre-orders will be sent out right away on the launch date. Of course Play-Asia can't ship them until GPH supplies them. GPH is making a great product here, and they must need a bit more time to make sure it's done right.
Thank you for this nice post. Just ordered one from, which according to them, currently have some Wiz in stock. It's kinda weird since they are the only site who said so, but oh well, wait and see :)
Anyway, i am eager to try it. It does really look like GPH finally done the stuff right.
I checked out the adictron site, because I was surprised that anyone would have it in stock (which is pretty impossible as far as I can tell).
From what I can see, on the 23rd, they got a sample unit. I can't imagine that they've got production stock since then.
Anyway, I don't think they're trying to deceive anyone. I think you may have misinterpreted their ordering system. It looks to me that they have a green smiley next to anything that you are allowed to order. If a product is old and out of stock, it gets a red frown. I bet that any backorder, preorder, or in-stock item has a green smiley.
It's an OLED screen, not an LCD screen. There are no "dead pixels" with OLED screens, this only happens with LCD.
The Wiz, at Play-Asia, says:
Version Korea
Does it has English menus or only Korean ? I couldnt figure out if there are 2 versions of Wiz, one Korean and other English or 1 version with both languages.
There is a "SETTINGS" option on the main menu.
One of the settings is "Language" and the choices are
I tried German just now and it turned the system to German, so I think it all works.
Hey Flavor, nice blog, helped me out alot, i post a comment on your video yesterday, thanks for the info....there is one other website called, they have May 2nd shipping date? might be a lie, im hopeing that its true I really want one, anyways great Impression ^_^ cant wait for your review O_o
Really? If you cannot have a dead pixel on OLED
s then why would a company have an OLED warranty policy such as:
OLED Monitor Warranty and Dead Pixel Policy
Because of manufacturing limitations, OLED displays may have cosmetic imperfections that appear as small bright or dark dots, commonly known as “dead pixels”. This is common to all OLED displays used in products by all vendors and is not specific to any vendor or brand. Vosonic VP8390 OLED display is under the Grade A standard. Under this standard, Vosonic will replace a VP8390 under this warranty if any of the following conditions for such dot or pixel imperfections are true within the 3 months for OLED panels.
Acceptable Criteria:
Area A: Zero (2) Dead pixel is accepted
(The A area should not have any bright or dark pixels)
Area B: Four (4) Dead pixel are accepted
(The B area should not exceed 4 total defective bright or dark pixels)
These acceptable criteria are applied throughout our OLED monitor range within 3 months from purchase. EDITED HERE FOR SIZE.
Of course ANY display technology can ship in a damaged condition or be damaged in transit etc. I just love how people can be so certain and have NO CLUE.
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